Champagne, 319 villages, 1 Odyssey
The champagne Odyssée 319 is an invitation to a journey through the 319 villages that compose the Champagne appellation area.
A terroir is the combination of a soil and a subsoil, a climate, a relief and people who evolve through these elements, generations after generations.
The Champagne area is polymorphic and offers a patchwork of micro-terroirs, a diversity in the expression of its wines.
The passionate winegrower knows his vineyard’s changes, his plots’ specificities, each lieux-dit’s particularities.
From Avize in the Côte des Blancs, we start a journey to meet these winegrowers who sublimate the champagne patchwork of the 319 crus.
The vineyard
Our playground: the Champagne appellation area
With 34.300 hectares laying on 319 crus, the Champagne region offers endless possibilities.
Our observation focuses on this multitude of identity terroirs.
Our passion for Champagne wines and our desire for new experiences lead us out of the Côte des Blancs’ chalky subsoils for new discoveries.